Community Mediation Program

African american couple with relationship difficulties outdoors in the city

What is Mediation?

A voluntary and confidential alternative for parties involved in a conflict.   Trained mediators will guide parties through an informal process that helps those involved to identify the issues and generate their own resolutions. The goal is to assist parties in developing win-win solutions. Mediators are neutral and do not take sides or tell you what to do.

Community Mediation Services

Key Bridge's Community Mediation Program offers a wide variety of mediation services to the citizens of Prince George's County. Some of the areas we mediate conflict around include:

  • Small Claims
  • Attendance
  • School Conflict
  • Family
  • Landlord/Tenant
  • Community Conflict
  • Re-entry

Join Our Team!

Do you like helping others? Are you interested in helping people bring about authentic conflict resolution? Then become a mediator! The Key Bridge Foundation is always looking for volunteer mediators!


Our mediators begin by taking Basic Mediation Training, consisting of approximately 50 hours of study in theory and practice of mediation in the inclusive model. Basic Mediation Training is provided in conjunction with Community Mediation Maryland.