About Us
The Key Bridge Foundation is a nationally recognized provider of conflict management and training services throughout the United States and abroad.
The Key Bridge Foundation provides conflict management skills training for a variety of clients, either on site or in our Washington, D.C., offices. Our existing off-the-shelf programs can meet the needs and interests of your organization or agency. We also can design a customized training specially tailored to guarantee that your organization's unique needs and training objectives are met.
As we prepare training programs, we take into consideration your budget and work schedules. Our courses are taught by the Center for Mediation's experienced faculty.
The mission of the KBF Center for Mediation is a simple one: to prevent, identify, and resolve conflict before it jeopardizes your success or the success of your organization. To fulfill that mission, the Center for Mediation uses proven conflict resolution strategies to encourage cooperation and problem solving for individuals and organizations.